Célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie 2023
Date de création: 25 Sep 2023
l'ANM célèbre la Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie pour l'année 2023 sous le thème 'Mesurer pour soutenir le système alimentaire mondial'
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Date de création: 15 Dec 2016
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Tenth Congress of the World Trade Organization in Nairobi
Date de création: 18 Dec 2015
The Trade Minister said in a speech at the works tenth World Trade Organization Conference in Nairobi Thursday, December 17th, 2015 on the need for the success of this conference and because of its positive effects on the the future of the multilateral world trade system to back up the development position as cornerstone components of trade negotiations.
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School of Legal Metrology SMIIC 2015
Date de création: 26 Oct 2015
School of Legal Metrology, Institute of norms and standards for Islamic Countries "SMIIC 2015" from 3 to 5 November 2015, organized by the National Agency of Metrology of Tunisia, which encompasses the School of Legal Metrology.
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